Hey guys! I’m doing a little bit of crafting therapy today. I’m making a Christmas hoop wreath to hang in my window and to add a little cheer during a difficult time for our family.
I hope y’all are having a blessed season preparing to celebrate the Incarnation of Jesus! Can y’all believe how quickly Christmas is approaching?
My husband and I have had to really fight for joy during this season, as we have experienced a lot of loss this year.
I normally do a LOT of decorating for Christmas, and I absolutely love it! We have had all our storage boxes pulled out for almost two weeks now. But I was feeling super overwhelmed and not motivated. Honestly, I started to think maybe I shouldn’t do as much decorating since this year has been so stressful. But as I thought about it, I felt like it would be yet another loss if I gave up on the beauty of Christmas my heart longs for so much.
Fighting For Joy With Beauty and Creativity
Decorating might seem so trivial in the face of tragedy and loss, but I came to the conclusion that it IS important to FIGHT for JOY.
Beauty is one of the best ways to comfort the wounded and suffering heart. As John and Stasi Eldredge say in Captivating, beauty heals. Dallas Willard said that beauty is goodness made present to the senses. What better way to bring tangible goodness to the intangible longings and achings of our hearts than through beauty and creativity?
It is a simple act to drape lights and garland and to basque in the soft glow of candle light. But with these simple acts, I can defiantly proclaim, you know what? Death doesn’t win! Because of the Incarnation of Christ and his glorious Resurrection, death does not get the final say!
Where O, death, is your victory?
Where O, death, is your sting?
So, here is one little arrow in the quiver of my tools to fight for joy this year! It was a simple DIY project that allowed me to be creative and to bring the tangible goodness of beauty to our home for this Christmas season!
Come Holy Spirit! Help us to fight for joy and bring you glory!
Merry Christmas!
Be sure to also check out and follow us on our YouTube Channel and our Instagram account!
How to Make a Christmas Hoop Wreath:
- I bought a hula hoop from Dollar General on clearance for $0.70 and spray painted it gold.
- We have some bushes in our backyard that needed some trimming, so I put it to good use!
- I started from the outside of the bottom of my hoop, then layered each branch on either side until I got to the middle.
- You will want to wrap the length of each branch with floral wire to keep them secure.
- I added some clip-on poinsettias that I found at the Dollar Tree.
- My hoop wreath came together nicely!
- Last year I bought a bunch of ribbon on clearance at Dollar Tree for $0.25 each!
- We have a tutorial showing how to make your own bows for Christmas! Link in the blog!
- Merry Christmas!!