A Princess Evening

A Princess Evening

Growing up in a household of seven…on one income…meant that going out to eat was very special–and very rare. I mean, even a fast food joint was a treat. I remember going to Taco Bell in Wapakoneta after church and being thrilled about those 2 soft...
Frugal Storage Solution!

Frugal Storage Solution!

I wonder if there is anything in the English language that excites a girl’s heart like the words, “frugal storage.” Well, maybe the words “dark chocolate.” Haha! =) You get the idea though, we are all suckers for storage! Think of how a...
Decorating on the Cheap: Mid-Century Modern Mirror

Decorating on the Cheap: Mid-Century Modern Mirror

Decorating on the Cheap: Mid-Century Modern Mirror I am always telling my boys what I want to be when I grow up…which is hilarious because their response is always one of bewilderment. It’s so funny to watch their faces and their confused reply is always,...
Decorating on the Cheap: Sheets? Curtains?? YES!!!!

Decorating on the Cheap: Sheets? Curtains?? YES!!!!

When we moved into our house last November, one of the things that most excited my heart was the fact that I now had a guest room. When you have family traveling 1000 miles for a visit, that is a definite bonus! It also really got the creativity flowing through my...

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